No Contract Order Attorney St. Paul, MN
Defense for DANCO-Related Matters in Dakota County and Washington County
If you're accused of an offense against your family or household member, the court may issue a domestic abuse no contact order (DANCO) against you. A DANCO prohibits you from communicating with the alleged victim in any way, including through a third party. The restriction could place severe limitations on your life, especially if you live with or have children with the accusing party. You may be required to leave your shared home and may not be able to see your kids. If you violate the order, you could be facing misdemeanor or felony charges, which carry penalties separate from those that may be imposed for the alleged domestic assault offense.
In some cases, it may be possible to have a DANCO lifted or modified, relieving you of some or all of the restrictions. However, going through the process is not easy. You must file a petition with the court and present evidence supporting your assertion that the DANCO is unnecessary. At Rogosheske, Rogosheske & Atkins, PLLC, our St. Paul domestic abuse no contact order attorneys are here to guide you through the process of challenging the order. We have over 80 years of combined experience and have intimate knowledge of the judicial system and its operations. We'll help prepare your petition, gather necessary evidence, and present your case before a judge.
For the legal representation you need, call us at (651) 413-9004 today.

What Sets Us Apart
Our team of skilled and understanding professionals proudly provides comprehensive and efficient services for all Clients.
When Is a No Contact Order Issued?
In Minnesota, a no contact order is issued in criminal cases involving offenses against family or household members.
Offenses that trigger a DANCO include:
- Domestic abuse
- Harassment or stalking of a family or household member
- Violations of an order of protection
- Violations of a previous DANCO
A domestic abuse no contact order may be issued as a part of pretrial release, meaning that you may be subject to restrictions at the start of your case. The order will last until the final judgment is made.
In some situations, a DANCO is issued as part of probationary terms. You would be subject to the order's restrictions until you complete probation.
What Are the Penalties for a No Contact Order Violation?
If a DANCO is issued in your name, you must abide by the conditions until the order expires. A violation is considered a serious offense, and you could be subject to severe penalties.
The possible charges and punishments for a no contact order violation include:
- Misdemeanor: Results in up to 90 days imprisonment and/or up to $1,000 in fines.
- Gross misdemeanor: This charge is levied against a person accused of violating a DANCO within 10 years of a previous conviction for a domestic abuse-related offense. The minimum term of imprisonment is 10 days, and the maximum fine is $3,000. Additionally, the court may order the defendant to participate in counseling or other programs.
- Felony: If the defendant was convicted of 2 previous domestic abuse-related offenses within the past 10 years or the DANCO violation involved the possession of a dangerous weapon, they face a felony charge. They may be sentenced to up to 5 years in prison and/or fined up to $10,000. The judge may also order them to participate in counseling.
Working to Get Your No Contact Order Dropped or Amended
Being subject to a DANCO can be very limiting and stressful. Fortunately, you can ask the court to drop or modify the order. To do so effectively, you need the help of a skilled attorney. Our St. Paul lawyers at Rogosheske, Rogosheske & Atkins, PLLC, can coordinate the elements necessary to petition the court and do all the legwork for you. If you've been accused of a no contact order violation, we can provide aggressive defense for your case. We will work relentlessly toward a favorable outcome on your behalf.
Get started with your defense by calling us at (651) 413-9004 or contacting us online.