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Why is Memorial Day the Start of MN's 100 Deadliest Days?

A Law Firm with a Winning Tradition
friends drinking wine outside and having fun

Stay Safe On The Roads This Summer

The 100 day stretch from Memorial Day to Labor Day is considered the most dangerous time on the roads in Minnesota. As people travel more for the holidays and enjoy the gorgeous summer weather, there is a significant increase in fatal car accidents.

Make sure to stay safe while traveling on the roads this year and avoid making these mistakes behind the wheel.

Don’t Drink And Drive

Alcohol is one of the main reasons for fatal car crashes during the summer season. If you have been out drinking with friends or family but believe you are capable of driving yourself home, don’t take that risk.

Statistics show that between 2013-2017, Minnesota law enforcement officers made as many as 3.9 DWI arrests per hour during the 4th of July holiday weekend.

Ensure that you have a designated driver ready to transport you and your friends safely home. You can also call a rideshare service like Uber or utilize public transportation options.

Wear Your Seatbelt

According to the CDC, over half of the people killed in car accidents are not wearing a seatbelt. Taking the time to put your seatbelt on can save your life.

Other benefits of wearing a seatbelt include:

  • Safety for others in your vehicle.
  • It prevents you from being ejected from the vehicle.
  • Avoiding fines for not wearing a seatbelt.

Over the 100 deadliest days, there is increased seatbelt enforcement on the roads. Protect yourself from legal fines and serious injury —buckle up!

Follow The Speed Limit

Last summer, while there were still strict COVID guidelines in place, officers saw fewer cars on the road than usual. However, they found that while there were fewer cars on the road, this led to more people speeding than usual.

During Memorial Day weekend in 2020, 33% of fatal crashes were speed-related. It is especially important to watch your speed in bad weather. Wet roads can lead to hydroplaning, and heavy rain will decrease your visibility. You may be excited to get to your destination, but don’t risk your life to speed there!

Concentrate On Driving

Distracted driving can lead to making fatal mistakes, especially when alcohol is involved

Stay safe by avoiding:

  • Using your cell phone
  • Eating while driving
  • Getting distracted by others in your vehicle
  • Adjusting car settings

Have You Been Injured In A Car Accident?

If you have been injured due to another person’s reckless driving, our personal injury lawyers at Rogosheske, Rogosheske & Atkins, PLLC can help. Contact us to set up a consultation with one of our St. Paul car accident attorneys. We can provide you with legal guidance and discuss your options for pursuing a lawsuit.
